City of Toronto
Irving W. Chapley Park Ice Rink
205 Wilmington Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
About Irving W. Chapley Park Ice Rink
This ice rink is located in a 4.6 hectare park south east of Finch Avenue West and Dufferin Street. The park also features two tennis courts, two ball diamonds, three Bocce courts, basketball courts, a splash pad and multiple children's playgrounds. The Irving W. Chapley Community Centre can also be found at the park on Wilmington Avenue. Please note that the use of this ice rink is dependant on the operating schedule, closure dates, availability and accessibility as govered by the City of Toronto. It is also dependant on weather conditions fit for skating. For more information, please visit the City of Toronto website of this space.


Water Fountains
This space does not offer or provide any equipment to use.
Allowed Activities
Ice Skating
Pick Up Hockey
Allowed Events