City of Toronto
Sir Adam Beck Park Ice Rink
34 Delma Drive, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
About Sir Adam Beck Park Ice Rink
This ice rink is located in the Horner/Browns Line area on Orianna Dr. next to Alderwood Centre. This is a single pad outdoor ice rink that is equipped with change rooms and washrooms facilities. The rink offers supervised and unsupervised public skates and shinny hockey for all ages. Please note that the use of this ice rink is dependant on the operating schedule, closure dates, availability and accessibility as govered by the City of Toronto. It is also dependant on weather conditions fit for skating. For more information, please visit the City of Toronto website of this space.


Change Rooms

Washroom Facilities
This space does not offer or provide any equipment to use.
Allowed Activities
Ice Skating
Pick Up Hockey
Allowed Events